What is it ?
Data obtained on NPS@ web server can be viewed, analyzed, printed, etc. on your computer, even after
closing Internet connection. This can be done with the softwares we developped:
AnTheProt [PC], and MPSA
[UNIX-Linux, Macintosh and soon PC]. You can find below how to configure your web browser to support NPS@
data viewing and how to get these data from NPS@ result pages.
Configuring your web browser
First, you have to download AnTheProt or
download MPSA, as you like. Then, set the preferences of your web browser, as it is
explained for AnTheProt, or
Getting data from NPS@ web server
You can download NPS@ data if the result page have the following line:
The yellow arrow shiw you that by clicking on AnTheProt link you can load an alignement in AnTheProt.You can do the same thing with MPSA
(with MPSA secondary structure predictions are also downloaded).